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商家进驻高校 校园代理走俏  21英语网  佚名  2015-10-12    



Student brand reps in demand

商家进驻高校 校园代理走俏

导读:面对广大的校园市场,学生们自己无疑是最好的推销人员。几年前,校园品牌大使(campus brand ambassador)还是一个全新的概念。而现在很多商业公司都将触手伸到了校园之中,利用学生资源来推销产品,企图占领这个蕴藏无限空间的巨大市场。



When US’ Duke University sophomore Christian Drappi sees someone using a Square (an electronic payment service) credit card reader, he pulls out his phone, snaps a picture and uploads it to Twitter.


“It kind of spreads like wildfire through Twitter,” said Drappi, who is a campus brand representative for Square. Started by Twitter founder Jack Dorsey, the company makes miniature credit card readers for smartphones.


Companies are increasingly using college campus brand ambassadors to spread the word about their products.


These representatives often rely on word-of-mouth tools like social media to publicize the company and any promotional events they host.


Though the brand ambassador is no stranger to the college marketing scene, social media are changing how these representatives interact with their peers and how effectively their message is communicated.


Companies like Red Bull, Microsoft, Verizon and Twitter all have campus ambassadors dedicated to spreading good news about the brand.


Campus ambassadors approach students groups, local merchants and other prospective users to demonstrate how the card reader works and its advantages over traditional machines, Adam Bassett, who runs the SquareU program said.


The gig–technically an internship–pays $600 (about 3,814 Yuan) per semester, with bonuses based on the number of customers students sign up.


Jane Hall from University of North Carolina (UNC) said she was encouraged by Square to use Twitter to help publicize the product.


“It’s a lot easier to do through a student than from someone in San Francisco,” said Hall, a junior majoring in advertising who wanted the internship to help build her resume.


Cord Silverstein, executive vice president of interactive communications at the Raleigh advertising agency Capstrat, said social media have made it easier than ever for college students to share opinions on a product with their peers.


Companies who take advantage of this have a significant edge in reaching the student market segment, he said.


“Someone’s peer, someone they respect, like a student or a professor, these people are having much greater impact and influence on what college students think, like and don’t like, because they trust their opinions,” Silverstein said.


Kimberly Summers, a junior at UNC-Chapel Hill works as the campus ambassador for American Eagle Outfitters’ campus ambassador program. There she runs the Facebook profile “AE Student Union” for the program.


The group’s most recent promotion was the “Drop Your Jeans” event, which offered students a chance to donate their denim in return for a store coupon and an opportunity to win an American Eagle gift card.


“A lot of people heard about it through the Facebook page,” Summers said. “We can see the impressions, how many people actually saw it, so we know how much influence we have. It’s really great.”


Cathy McCarthy, who heads the campus ambassador program for American Eagle, said the company has brand representatives at 48 schools in 31 states and Washington, DC.


When looking at ambassador applications, McCarthy said the company looks for outgoing students who are social-media savvy.


For the retailer, whose clothing targets college students, the ambassador program is an ideal fit.


“Three or four years ago, brand ambassadors on campus were a novel idea. Now companies have them everywhere. There’s only so much mindshare to capture,” McCathy said.







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