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SAT数学考试练习题之问答题(10)  智课网    2016-05-19    



  今天为大家准备了“SAT数学考试练习题之问答题(10)”, 供各位备考SAT的考生们参考使用,来提高自己的托福成绩!

  1. A time lapse camera takes pictures once every 40 seconds. How many pictures does it take in a 24 hour period? (Assume that it takes its first picture 40 seconds after the start of the time period.)

  2. Triangle ABC is equilateral. What is the degree measure of angle y ? (Ignore the degree sign when gridding your answer)

  3. If a sack of dried dog food feeds 4 dogs or 5 puppies for one week, then 5 sacks of the food will feed 15 puppies and how many dogs ?

  4. The sum of three numbers is 6. Each number is increased by 20 and the new numbers are multiplied by 10. What is the sum of the resulting numbers?

  5. What is the largest odd-numbered factor of 4500 ?


  6. Points A and B are on the top and bottom edges of a cylindrical roll of paper of height 8 and circumference 12. A and B are diagonally opposite each other. The paper is cut along line C and opened out. How far apart are A and B on the flat surface?

  7. 2 cars travel from the same point along parallel lanes of a highway for a distance of 10 miles. When car M, travelling at 60 miles an hour reaches the end of the distance, how much further will car N have to travel if it is travelling at 48 miles an hour?

  8. ? ? ? ? ¤

  How many different 3-symbol arrangements of the symbols above are possible if the symbol ¤ must be in the last position, and the symbol ? can be used in only one arrangement. The other symbols can be used more than once in an arrangement.

  9. What one value for x can be correctly entered into the answer grid?

  10. What positive value for k would make the following the equations of a pair of parallel lines on the same coordinate axes?

  y = kx ? 2 and ky = 9x ? 6

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