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专四作文范文:你敢不敢?  新东方在线    2015-08-31    




  If you saw some guy robbed a purse from a lady, will you ran over there and knocked this guy down? Or just notice that lady just before you saw the guy was about to robbed her? As we all know the consequences is that you might get revenge from that robber. Will you still have the brave to stand out for justice? Some people think that it is too risky to be a hero, while others think that we must continue to uphold justice. In my point of view, I agree with the latter.


  In the first place, adhere to principles and uphold justice is Chinese traditional virtues; we should carry forward Chinese traditional virtues. Although Good Samaritans always get revenge from the thief when they are helping the victims or after, such as they might be stabbed by them, it is all on the news. However, if we can, we could help others in some way that can minimize the damage. For instance, we can whispered to the victim when you find out that he or she is going to be stolen by thief. This is a win-win way to uphold justice, you don’t get hurt, and the others don’t get stolen.


  In the second place, change the position to the problem, if we are the victim, you were robbed in a bus, what would you feel about the whole passengers in the bus doing nothing but just standing right up the spot and watching you being robbed? Does it feels hurt? Just like the painful that injured by a knife. Help others, because you might be the one who need to help next.


  In conclusion, if we are seeing something like this, we should dare to help others. It would be worth to do that even we might get hurt, or it will let thieves more rampant if we do nothing.






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