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英语专四备考系列:作文摸板--观点选择型A/B  沪江英语网    2012-12-17    



  这类题型是给出两种选择 ,让考生选择观点表达。题目要么直接给出A or B的选项,要么在题干中叙述有的人认为如何如何,另外的人持有怎样的观点,然后问考生支持哪种观点。



  Nowadays young people tend to phone more often than write to each other. So some say that

  phones will kill letter writing. What is your opinion?

  Will Phones Kill Letter Writing?


  Recently, a Beijing information company did a survey of student life among more than 700 students in Beijing, Guangzhou, Xi’an, Chengdu, Shanghai, Wuhan, Nanjing and Shenyang . The results have shown that 67 percent of students think that saving money is a good habit while the rest believe that using tomorrow’s money today is better. What do you think?


  Nowadays the Internet has become part of people’s life, and millions of young people have made friends online.

  Is It Wise to Make Friends Online?


  Tourism is a booming business in China. However, some people worry that too many tourists may bring harm to the environment, while others don’t think so. What is your opinion? Write on

  ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:

  Will Tourism Bring Harm to the Environment?


  It was recently reported in a newspaper that six students who shared a dorm at a local university hired a cleaner to do laundry and cleaning once a week. And each of them paid her 60 yuan a month. This has led to a heated debate as to whether college students should hire cleaners. Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:

  Should College Students Hire Cleaners?


  Recently, government agencies in some big cities have been studying the possibility of putting a “pollution tax” on private cars. The amount of tax private car owners would have to pay depends on the emission levels, i.e. engine or vehicle size. This has caused quite a stir among the public. Some regard it as an effective way to control the number of cars and reduce pollution in the city. But others don’t think so. What is your opinion?

  Should Private Car Owners Be Taxed for Pollution?


  处理观点选择型的文章时,首先考生要在引言段客观地介绍不同的两种观点,即将原题复述,此处注意切勿照抄题干。然后考生需要亮明自己的观点。英文写作和中文写作的一个很大的区别在于 :中文写作喜欢水到渠成,直到最后才透露观点 ;然而英文写作却往往开门见山 ,在文章的首段就讲明自己的观点 ,接着是主体段落,介绍理由。建议大家要每个理由写主题句,让阅卷人一目了然,使文章结构更加清晰。最后是总结段,简要地重申观点和论述概要 。


  1. 引言段 :(复述原题)Quite a few hold that ___(A观点)_____, but others, in contrast, regard ___(B观点)_____ as the premier choice. In my view, I believe that ___(A观点)____ for the following three reasons.

  主体段 :First and foremost, ___(理由1)___. (然后举例或详述) In addition, ___(理由2)___.

  (然后举例或详述) Last but not the least important, ____(理由3)___. (然后举例或详述)

  总结段 :In a word,  (重复观点句并缩写理 由). Taking into account of all these factors, we

  may reach the conclusion that___(A观点)_____.

  2. 引言段 :Nowadays the society is faced with a problem of (简述题干中的社会现象), which has aroused heated discussions. Some people would claim that ___(A观点)____, while others hold that ___(B观点)_____ and that is also my point. There are numerous reasons why___(B观点)________, and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here.

  主体段 :The main reason  is that_____(理由1)____ . (然后举例或详述) There is another

  factor that deserves our attention. _____(理由2)____. (然后举例或详述)

  总结段 :To sum up, I firmly believe in ___(B观点)_____, (缩写理由).

  亲爱的考生们 ,虽然编者在此书中给出了模板 ,但是大家一定要铭记在心的是,模板只是参考,语言表达千千万万、丰富多彩 ,千万不要束缚了自己。在符合用语习惯和语法准则的情况下,可以有各种表达。比如,在描述自己有两个理由支持观点的时候,也完全可以用Firstly, ... Secondly, ... 或者For one thing, ... For another, ... 。如 :For one thing, I don t have any interest in that movie; for another, I have no time. 不过按照用法 ,不能使用On he one hand, ... On the other hand, ... 因为这个短语用于描述对立的两方面 ,如 :On the one hand, he complains that he is lonely; on the other hand, he won t come to parties with me.

  只要是符合用语习惯 ,在已有基本模板的情况下 ,可以变出百种千种文字的表达 ,一句话 ,使用模板要“抓大放小” !







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