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英语专业四级考试近义词辨析(3)      2012-07-23    



  中国教育在线讯    在学习专业英语词汇中,有时同义词的辨析是很不容易的,我们一般从三方面进行区分,即:语法、语义和文体。语法主要是词性、搭配、句式等的区分;语义主要是词义的本义、引申义、比喻义和内涵和外延等的区分;文体主要是正式和非正式、褒义和贬义等的区分。


  (误会) mistake: A wrong thought, act. It implies carelessness. Anyone can make a mistake.

  (过错 弱点) fault: A bad point, but not of a serious moral kind. It refers to behavior and character. His only fault is that he lacks ambition.

  find fault with sb / at fault

  shortcoming: weakness, failing ; It refers to failures or deficiencies in things as well as people.

  In spite of all her shortcomings I still think she's one of the best teachers in the school.

  (疏忽) error: A mistake (formal sometimes literary) It implies deviation from a standard or model

  The accident was caused by human error.

  (缺点 毛病) defect: sth lacking or imperfect. It refers to quality.

  The radio was returned because of a defect.

  (失误 过失) blunder: A very stupid or unnecessary mistake. It implies ignorance.

  This is the fatal blunder of his life.


  picture: The most general one.

  (彩图) painting: pictures with color.

  (绘画 图画) drawing: A picture made with a pen, pencil and crayon. Sketch, diagrams and graphs are all drawings.

  (草图) sketch: A rough not detailed drawing.

  (图解 图表) diagram: A drawing, figure that shows the arrangement of something.

  (曲线图) graph: A diagram in which a straight line, curved, or zigzag line shows how two sets of numbers or measurements are related.

  (插图) illustration: A picture to go with words of a book.

  (图样 草图) draft: The first rough written form of anything.

  (平面图) plan: A line drawing of a building as it might been seen from above.

  (主视图) elevation: A flat upright side of a building.

  (海图) chart: A map esp. a detailed map of a sea area.


  (专门的,与众不同的) special: Different in some way from what is common, ordinary, or usual. It stresses having a quality, character, identity, or use of its own. The tube contains special gases.

  (特别的) especial: (fml) To an usually great degree, exceptional; It emphasizes the importance of the things or the

  persons mentioned; This is a matter of especial importance.

  (个别的) particular: Relating or belonging to only one thing or person. It stresses the distinctness of something as an

  individual which is worth notice. In that particular case, the rule doesn't hold.(适用)

  (特种的) specific: Detailed and exact, clear in meaning and explanation, fixed, determined.(used in scientific

  articles) It implies a quality or character distinguishing a kind or a species.

  He gave me a very specific instruction. There is a specific tool for each job.

  (独特的) peculiar: Strange or perhaps unpleasant. It implies strangeness. He has a peculiar way of speaking.

  14.取消 消灭

  (取消 解除) cancel: To give up, to declare something is to be effective. He has cancelled his leave of absence.(消假)

  (废除 废止) abolish: To do away with. It refers to practices, social institutions. Bad customs should be abolished.

  (消灭 排除) eliminate: To get rid of. We should eliminate the false and retain the true.

  (撤消 废除) repeal: To bring to an end of the effect of a law or an order. Some laws should be repealed.

  (根除 消灭) exterminate: To destroy completely and wholly. Colonialism must be exterminated.


  break: The most general one.

  (压碎 压破) crush: To press together violently as to break, to destroy its shape by squeezing it. It suggests the effect of great external pressure. The tree fell on top of the car and crushed it.

  (打碎) smash: To break thoroughly to pieces with a crushing sound. She dropped the plate and smashed it.

  (打裂) crack: To break without separation of parts. It suggests the breaking out across a surface. He cracked the window by leaning against it.

  (破裂) burst: To break open by pressure from within. The fireworks burst while they were in the air.

  (砸碎 破碎) shatter: To break into pieces. It suggests the breaking up of a thin surface. The glass was shattered to pieces.

  (撞坏) crash: To refer to the vehicle which hits something and is badly damaged.







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